Internal Revenue Service Personnel – The Who, What, and How

Internal Revenue Service Personnel – The Who, What, and How

Often times, we, as tax professionals, are just as confused as to whom we need to speak to when discussing tax matters with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as the general public. In this article, we ... Tyrone J. Taylor, EA, NTPI Fellow®

2021: Craziness in Action
Capitol Corner

2021: Craziness in Action

While it certainly would be hard to top 2020, the year 2021 was quite the roller coaster ride at the federal and state levels for tax professionals, especially enrolled agents. The year began with ... Thad Inge and Michelle McCaughey

Practicing Patience
Expert Notes

Practicing Patience

Patience. That is the word that comes to mind when working to resolve a collections case with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. With continuous budget constraints and lack of manpower, the IRS faced new challenges with sh... Clarice Landreth, EA