United States International Tax Treaties: A Guide for Early Career Tax Professionals
Feature Article

United States International Tax Treaties: A Guide for Early Career Tax Professionals

With increasing international trade and financial activities, United States taxpayers face the risk of double taxation, where two or more countries tax the same income. To mitigate this risk and foster international economic ... Sarah Eddie, EA

Staying Afloat in the Rising Tide of Foreign Bank Account Reporting
Feature Article

Staying Afloat in the Rising Tide of Foreign Bank Account Reporting

In recent years, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has intensified its enforcement efforts targeting noncompliance with foreign bank account reporting (FBAR)i requirements. This heightened focus has resulted in a significant increase in the ... Chelsea Rustek, EA

Cost Allocation Base Selection for Transfer Pricing Purposes
Feature Article

Cost Allocation Base Selection for Transfer Pricing Purposes

The successful implementation of a cost-based transfer pricing policy necessitates the group of companies to devise robust internal cost allocation methodologies. The reasonability of the cost ... Anthony (“Tony”) Malik

Unmasking the Myths: Who Can Truly Be a Shareholder in an S Corporation?
Feature Article

Unmasking the Myths: Who Can Truly Be a Shareholder in an S Corporation?

Revisiting the Basics of the S Corporation: Nonresidents as Shareholders Small business corporations are more popular than ever. You hear about them on social media, and among the tax community. Indeed, sm... Fernando Juarez, EA, and Edgar Gonzalez, EA

Understanding FTC Regulations on Advertising and Endorsements
Feature Article

Understanding FTC Regulations on Advertising and Endorsements

Implications for Tax Professionals We have all seen those commercials where a large corporation makes unrealistic claims about its product, leaving us scratching our heads and wanting to throw... Brad D. Messner, EA

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