Editor's Message

FBARS, Treaties, and Tax—Oh My!

As tax professionals, we often focus on familiar territory, honing in on our areas of expertise. However, clients may occasionally present us with unfamiliar, complex issues, particularly in the realm of international tax. Given the significant penalties for noncomplianc... Tynisa (Ty) Gaines, EA (She/Her)

Editor's Message

Preparing for the 2024 Tax Season: What’s on the Horizon?

As we approach the 2024 tax season, the landscape continues to evolve, bringing fresh challenges and opportunities for tax professionals. From new digital asset reporting rules to inflation adjustments to the complex cannabis tax landscape, practitioners must remain adap... Tynisa (Ty) Gaines, EA (She/Her)

Editor's Message

How Deep Does Your Representation Go?

I’m writing this a week after the National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA) Fly-In Day, and as I wrap up this issue, all I can think about is how important representation is. Our fly-in event allows us to represent our clients' needs before Congress, not the Interna... Tynisa (Ty) Gaines, EA (She/Her)

Editor's Message

Ethical Dilemmas

In the ever-evolving landscape of tax law and practice, staying abreast of ethical standards is not just a professional obligation but a cornerstone of maintaining integrity and trust within our industry. Welcome to the Ethics issue, where we delve into the intricate rea... Tynisa (Ty) Gaines, EA (She/Her)

Editor's Message

Worldwide Tax Matters

I am intrigued by the intricate concept of worldwide income and its pivotal role in international taxation. The principle of taxing citizens on their global earnings underscores the belief that individuals should contribute to their home country's financial landscape, ir... Tynisa (Ty) Gaines, EA (She/Her)

Editor's Message

Preparing for the Upcoming Tax Season: Key Updates and Tools for Tax Professionals

As we approach the upcoming tax season, tax professionals and taxpayers alike are gearing up to navigate the ever-changing landscape of tax laws and regulations. To help you stay on top of the latest developments and prepare for a successful tax season, this issue brings... Tynisa (Ty) Gaines, EA (She/Her)

Editor's Message

Representation Matters

During the 1700s, American colonies under British rule coined the phrase "taxation without representation." This opposition to being taxed without having a say in government was a major factor in the American Revolution. Today, there are still areas such as the District ... Tynisa (Ty) Gaines, EA (She/Her)

Editor's Message

You Reap What You Sow

As the new editor-in-chief of the EA Journal, I wanted to introduce myself. I didn’t initially plan on working in tax. In fact, I dropped my accounting courses in college and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Industrial Psychology and a Master of Scien... Tynisa (Ty) Gaines, EA (She/Her)

Editor's Message

If Anyone Is Familiar with Change, It Is NAEA Members

I am so very pleased to assume the position of editor-in-chief of the EA Journal. The EA Journal is an award-winning publication that provides expertise and insight on tax topics. It is an important part of National Association of Enrolled Agents’ (NAEA... Tynisa (Ty) Gaines, EA (She/Her)

Editor's Message

Looking Forward to 2023

I am excited about 2023 – are you? There is much opportunity in our profession if you ask me. Demand for our services is high, and the supply of qualified tax professionals is decreasing. This gives us the opportunity to be selective about selec... Thomas Gorczynski, EA, USTCP

Editor's Message

Are You Prepared for Next Tax Season?

Many of you use October, November, and December to make changes in your business for the upcoming year. As you make those decisions, I strongly urge you to consider the following: Advisory Services. Many clients do not see value in a completed tax return; ... Thomas Gorczynski, EA, USTCP

Editor's Message

We Can Agree to Disagree on Tax Issues

In our July/August 2022 issue, the EA Journal ran its first point/counterpoint article on whether the filing deadline should be permanently changed to a later date. It generated some controversy—and that is OK! To be clear: Point/counterpoint articles express the ... Thomas Gorczynski, EA, USTCP

Editor's Message

The Time to Make Business Shifts Is Now

Before you know it, it will be time to wrap up extension returns. Then once those are out the door, you will start gearing up for the next tax season. I believe November is too late to consider significant shifts for the upcoming tax season. It would help if you beg... Thomas Gorczynski, EA, USTCP

Editor's Message

You Cannot Escape Cryptocurrency or International Tax Issues

You may wonder why this edition is not an ethics edition as is the EA Journal custom. Rumor has it that the Treasury Department plans to propose changes to Circular 230 this year. We have made an editorial decision this year to postpo... Thomas Gorczynski, EA, USTCP

Editor's Message

Lessons from Another Difficult Tax Season

We are amid our third difficult tax season in a row: 2020 gave us the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and the CARES Act; 2021 gave us the Consolidated Appropriation Act, 2021, and the American Rescue Plan Act; and 2022 continues the aftermath of all these tax laws... Thomas Gorczynski, EA, USTCP

Editor's Message

Looking Forward to 2022

In this issue, I want to specifically write about two things very relevant to the upcoming year – diversity initiatives and the EA Journal’s 2022 call for articles. In this edition’s Take Note, you will be introduced to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tas... Thomas Gorczynski, EA, USTCP

Editor's Message

Every Taxpayer Deserves Tax Planning

As I write this column, it appears major tax changes are on the horizon as Congress debates a reconciliation bill that has the potential of significantly raising taxes on households making $400,000 while providing many additional tax benefits to those who make less than t... Thomas Gorczynski, EA, USTCP

Editor's Message

Do Not Sell Yourself Short in Representing Clients

From my interactions with the tax professional community, I believe a lot of you sell yourself short with how you price your services. Low prices mean more work to meet revenue goals and more work interferes with your ability to have appropriate work/life balance. Over... Thomas Gorczynski, EA, USTCP

Editor's Message

Your Challenge: Write Content for the EA Journal

I want to use my message for this edition to encourage you to contribute content for the EA Journal. Do not get scared away – keep reading! Our collective knowledge can only increase if everyone in the community freely shares her or his exper... Thomas Gorczynski, EA, USTCP

Editor's Message

Can You Work 15-Hour Days and Be Ethical?

Enrolled agents, and the tax community as a whole, work too much during tax season, and it puts taxpayers at a disadvantage. I know you may not want to hear this because it is contrary to your business model of jamming eight to 15 tax returns per day into your schedule, six to ...

Editor's Message

Staying Sane in the Chaos of Tax Changes

In the last three years, we have gone through several significant revisions to the tax law: the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2... Thomas Gorczynski, EA, USTCP

Editor's Message

Helping Clients in the Face of COVID-19

With hundreds of millions of Americans financially impacted by COVID-19, our role as tax professionals as trusted advisors will be of utmost importance this year as we help them navigate both their tax responsibilities and COVID-19 tax benefits. The articles this month will empowe... Thomas Gorczynski, EA, USTCP

Editor's Message

Embracing Change

As I settle into my first few months as editor-in-chief, I am moving forward with changes that, in the long term, will help improve the overall editorial direction of EA Journal. Call for Articles We issued a call for articles for the 2021 editions of... Thomas Gorczynski, EA, USTCP

Editor's Message

The Road Ahead

As the newly appointed editor-in-chief of the EA Journal, I wanted to write to introduce myself to the readership and give a brief overview of my vision for EA Journal over the next several years. I have been in the tax field since 2009, earning my Ma... Thomas Gorczynski, EA, USTCP

Editor's Message

How We Tech

This year, our annual technology issue has collided with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Whether you consider yourself a techie or are tech-averse, COVID-19 has increased our need to use technology, for better or for worse. Our heightened dependence on technology during the pandemi... Janelle Julien

Editor's Message

The New Normal?

The outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused all of us to stop in our tracks, take stock of what’s important, and reassess the plans we set out for the year. This pandemic is changing our world. The novel coronavirus has disrupted modern working life for everyone. We’re all bei... Janelle Julien

Editor's Message

Spring Fever

When I think of springtime, several things come to mind: Increased daylight, warmer weather, and spring cleaning. As the temperatures rise, I’m eager to open all the windows and clean out all the closets. Most people probably groan at the thought of spring cleaning, but it... Janelle Julien

Editor's Message

Progress, not Perfection

It’s believed the ancient Babylonians made the first New Year’s resolutions. It’s also a tradition for most people break their New Year’s resolutions by the time February rolls around. According to an Inc. survey, in 2019, the most popular resolutions were to - Di... Janelle Julien

Editor's Message

Looking to 2020

If you had a magic crystal ball, what would you see for 2020? The second filing season under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) will be interesting, to say the least, since more rules and regulations were enacted after the first filing season at both the federal and state levels. We’r... Janelle Julien

Editor's Message

The Price of Doing Good

It may seem early to think about #GivingTuesday, but the giving season will be here before you know it. I have a few charities I contribute to every year and also to those that spring into action whenever disaster strikes. Several factors motivate people to make charitable donations, i... Janelle Julien

Editor's Message

Tech Speak

Let me introduce myself: I’m NAEA’s new(ish) managing editor. You’ve noticed by now that EA Journal looks different these days. I know how protective readers can feel about the magazines they love, and I respect that. A serious, loyal readership may be our most valua... Janelle Julien