Case Study: How Hackers Attacked Tax Preparers and Enrolled Agents and How to Protect Yourself
Tax Tech

Case Study: How Hackers Attacked Tax Preparers and Enrolled Agents and How to Protect Yourself

While cyber insurance is a financial safeguard against a wide range of cyber-related events, one of the most powerful protections is from getting sued by a client after you have been hacked. Attackers have set their targets on ta... Gallagher Affinity

Cyber Insurance: What Am I Getting for My Money?
Tax Tech

Cyber Insurance: What Am I Getting for My Money?

Along with everything else, the cost of insurance continues to rise. Because of the surge in cyber hacking claims, insurance companies have no choice but to raise their premiums. CFC, the underwriting company for the National Association of E... Robert G. Moody and George J. Kolczun, Jr.

Cyber Insurance for Enrolled Agents
Tax Tech

Cyber Insurance for Enrolled Agents

Enrolled agents (EAs) must have custody of client personal and financial information in order to provide the services that their clients require. Allowing some of that information to fall into the wrong hands can result in both financial and reputational harm to the...