Tax Considerations for Real Estate Investors: A Tax Consultant’s Guide
Financial Planning

Tax Considerations for Real Estate Investors: A Tax Consultant’s Guide

Real estate investments offer significant tax benefits. However, they are also subject to complex regulations and potential pitfalls. Guiding real estate investors requires tax consultants to understand tax law, investme... Joshua Scott, EA

Key Considerations for Enrolled Agents in the Upcoming Tax Season

Key Considerations for Enrolled Agents in the Upcoming Tax Season

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 brought substantial changes to individual income taxes, but many of these provisions are scheduled to expire at the end of 2025. As tax practitioner... Stephen Molchan, EA

The PTC, Itemized Deductions, Employer Leave-Based Donation Programs, Tracking Refunds, and Bribes
Tax News Briefs

The PTC, Itemized Deductions, Employer Leave-Based Donation Programs, Tracking Refunds, and Bribes

Premium Tax Credit Regulations Amended Wages are deductible by a C corporation in computing taxable income, but dividends are not. In a closely held corporation, the owners might decide to take ... TheTaxBook

Important Compliance Issues
Tax News Briefs

Important Compliance Issues

C Corporation Reasonable Compensation Wages are deductible by a C corporation in computing taxable income, but dividends are not. In a closely held corporation, the owners might decide to take distributions in the form of sal... TheTaxBook

Tax Planning Versus Preparation – What Is the Difference?
Feature Article

Tax Planning Versus Preparation – What Is the Difference?

Visit social media or Google these days and you will most likely see advertisements for tax planning. But many taxpayers (and even tax professionals) are confused about the differences between tax planning... Dominique Molina, CPA

IRS Updates Small Business Accounting Method Regulations
Tax News Briefs

IRS Updates Small Business Accounting Method Regulations

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued final regulations to implement the changes to the accounting method rules made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) §448(c), a business with gross receipts under $25 m... TheTaxBook

Correcting Partnership Returns After the Centralized Partnership Audit Regime
Feature Article

Correcting Partnership Returns After the Centralized Partnership Audit Regime

Practitioners who make or find errors on a filed Form 1065 for their partnership clients may find themselves in for a bit of a shock when it comes to correcting those errors. Congress passed the Bipartisan Budget Act (BBA) of ... David Woods, EA

Reasonable Compensation: What Is It, Why Is It, and How the Heck Do We Get Our Clients to Understand It?
Feature Article

Reasonable Compensation: What Is It, Why Is It, and How the Heck Do We Get Our Clients to Understand It?

We doubt reasonable compensation compliance was part of your New Year’s resolution. However, the beginning of the year is the best time to address reasonable compensation with your clients. Getting all your ducks in a row now will make the end of the ... Paul S. Hamann and Jack Salewski, CPA

An Inquiry Into the Factors Aiding Clemency for Foreign Corporations Requesting Protective Tax Return Filing Deadline Waivers
Feature Article

An Inquiry Into the Factors Aiding Clemency for Foreign Corporations Requesting Protective Tax Return Filing Deadline Waivers

Foreign corporations (FCs) often have varying degrees of U.S. business activities which in turn subject them to varying degrees of U.S. tax exposure. Anthony (“Tony”) Malik, EA

Impact of Tax Reform on Choice of Entity
Feature Article

Impact of Tax Reform on Choice of Entity

The tax reform legislation known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that was passed by Congress and signed by President Trump on December 22, 2017, has significantly changed how many businesses and their tax advisors approach the choice of entity decision. When deciding on how to be cla... Timothy C. Smith, JD

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Moves the U.S. Closer to a Territorial Tax System
Feature Article

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Moves the U.S. Closer to a Territorial Tax System

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) fundamentally changes the taxation of outbound activities of U.S. corporations and foreign corporations doing business in the U.S. and moves the U.S. international tax regime closer to a territorial system on par with other developed countrie... Sean Clancy, JD; Frank Emmons, JD; Shahzad Malik, JD

Feature Article

Undisclosed Foreign Accounts: Protecting the Executor

An executor administering an estate with undisclosed foreign accounts is exposed to substantial risks that may not be apparent. The following discussion is intended for executors and administrators who wish to understand and avoid those risks.1 A Typical Scenario A taxpayer dies. An executor is appointed and learns of foreign accounts: Tose foreign accounts hold investments. The ... Frank Agostino, Esq., Nicholas R. Karp, EA, USTCP

Feature Article

Taxation of Dividends From Foreign Corporations

U.S. persons frequently own legal entities abroad to pursue a variety of economic interests. Common U.S. ownership scenarios include expatriates forming foreign entities to locally operate businesses, U.S. residents forming foreign entities to capitalize on expansion opportunities, and entrepreneurial immigrants coming to the U.S. More often than not, these foreign entities default to corporate status à la the tax law’s default classification... Anthony (“Tony”) Malik, EA