Unmasking the Myths: Who Can Truly Be a Shareholder in an S Corporation?
Feature Article

Unmasking the Myths: Who Can Truly Be a Shareholder in an S Corporation?

Revisiting the Basics of the S Corporation: Nonresidents as Shareholders Small business corporations are more popular than ever. You hear about them on social media, and among the tax community. Indeed, sm... Fernando Juarez, EA, and Edgar Gonzalez, EA

Tax Complexities for Mixed-status Families

Tax Complexities for Mixed-status Families

America: The bold, the beautiful, the ultimate melting pot, where people from all over the world come in search of opportunity, freedom, and the American dream. In their pursuit of a better life in this great country, immigrants may grow t... Brittany Sabalza, EA

Key Considerations When Representing an Undocumented Taxpayer

Key Considerations When Representing an Undocumented Taxpayer

Millions of American citizens and noncitizens alike have the obligation to pay income taxes every year. For undocumented immigrants, it is no different. In fact, undocumented workers paid $382.9 billion in federal taxes in 2022.i ... Brittany Sabalza, EA