Tax Complexities for Mixed-status Families

Tax Complexities for Mixed-status Families

America: The bold, the beautiful, the ultimate melting pot, where people from all over the world come in search of opportunity, freedom, and the American dream. In their pursuit of a better life in this great country, immigrants may grow t... Brittany Sabalza, EA

What Enrolled Agents Need to Know About Form 8300 and Digital Assets
Feature Article

What Enrolled Agents Need to Know About Form 8300 and Digital Assets

Businesses who accept cryptocurrency (crypto) as payment and many tax practitioners who provide compliance services for those businesses were relieved to hear that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has delayed the require... Amber Gray-Fenner, EA, USTCP

Limited Partners and Self-Employment Tax
Feature Article

Limited Partners and Self-Employment Tax

As tax professionals, we are often given Schedule K-1 forms by our clients in order to report their income and/or losses from their investments in pass-through organizations. How involved are we, ... Keith A. Espinoza, EA

2021 Employee Retention Credit Overview
Tax News Briefs

2021 Employee Retention Credit Overview

Employee Retention Credit Guidance for First and Second Quarters of 2021 The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has now released guidance to address changes made by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, for... TheTaxBook

Payroll Taxes in 2021: The Dos and Don’ts
Payroll Corner

Payroll Taxes in 2021: The Dos and Don’ts

Filing payroll taxes accurately takes work, especially when keeping track of changing tax regulations. The following payroll tax tips will help your clients stay compliant. The subject of payroll taxes can be a prickly one for human resources p... Justworks

Due Diligence: How Do You Do It and How Much Is Enough?
Feature Article

Due Diligence: How Do You Do It and How Much Is Enough?

When I was director of the Office of Professional Responsibility, one of the most frequent questions I received from tax professionals around the country was: "How do I know when I have done enough due diligence?" The ultimate answer: “It depends,” sho... Karen L. Hawkins

Excluding Medicare Waiver Payments from Income
Feature Article

Excluding Medicare Waiver Payments from Income

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has provided guidance on the tax treatment of certain payments to individual care providers for the care of eligible individuals under a state Medicaid waiver program in IRS Notice 2014-7.i The prog... Laurie W. Ziegler, EA

New IRS FAQs: 2020 Employment Tax Deposits/ Payments Deferral
Feature Article

New IRS FAQs: 2020 Employment Tax Deposits/ Payments Deferral

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides employers with a deferral mechanism for the employer portion of any Social Security taxes and self-employed individuals with a deferral mechanism for the employer portion of any self-employment taxes... David E. Peritz, CPA

Employee Payroll Tax Deferral Guidance Creates Risk
Expert Notes

Employee Payroll Tax Deferral Guidance Creates Risk

The IRS issued guidance on August 28, 2020, (Notice 2020-65) implementing a White House directive to defer certain employee payroll taxes, but the guidance raises more questions than it answers and appears to expose employers to potentially significant repayment obligations and ... Dustin Stamper