Avoiding the Perils and Pitfalls of Fee Predicaments
Feature Article

Avoiding the Perils and Pitfalls of Fee Predicaments

Rules on fees can be found in numerous sections of Circular 230i as well as the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and various other regulations, so it is no surprise that the tangle of rules is full of inherent... Jennifer MacMillan, EA

Should Circular 230 More Widely Permit Contingent Fees?
Feature Article

Should Circular 230 More Widely Permit Contingent Fees?

Editor’s note: Fees are a hot topic currently in the tax industry since there is high demand for our services but limited capacity in our firms. Circular 230 does cont... Jeremy Wells, EA, CPA, and Sarah Moessinger, EA

Your Top Ethics Questions Answered
Feature Article

Your Top Ethics Questions Answered

Q: Contract law often looks to lack of choice when considering unconscionability. Do you think an unconscionable fee can occur when a client has a choice to not engage or disengage?... Karen L. Hawkins