Dealing with Negative Reviews on Social Media: A Balanced Approach for Tax Professionals
Tax Tech

Dealing with Negative Reviews on Social Media: A Balanced Approach for Tax Professionals

In today’s digital age, online reviews are more than just feedback—they are a form of validation that can deeply affect us, both professionally and personally. Recently, a client walked into my office, and when I as... Jose Delgado, EA, NTPI Fellow®

Understanding FTC Regulations on Advertising and Endorsements
Feature Article

Understanding FTC Regulations on Advertising and Endorsements

Implications for Tax Professionals We have all seen those commercials where a large corporation makes unrealistic claims about its product, leaving us scratching our heads and wanting to throw... Brad D. Messner, EA

Building Your Enrolled Agent Practice Through Social Media
Practice Builder

Building Your Enrolled Agent Practice Through Social Media

As you consider ways to continue growing your enrolled agent (EA) practice, have you turned to social media yet as a promotional avenue? In today's digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for E... Dannie Lynn Fountain, EA

Avoiding the Perils and Pitfalls of Fee Predicaments
Feature Article

Avoiding the Perils and Pitfalls of Fee Predicaments

Rules on fees can be found in numerous sections of Circular 230i as well as the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and various other regulations, so it is no surprise that the tangle of rules is full of inherent... Jennifer MacMillan, EA

Disagreeing Digitally: Ten Tips for Keeping the Peace Online
Practice Builder

Disagreeing Digitally: Ten Tips for Keeping the Peace Online

As we power through tax season, a lot of us are spending more time online, whether to discuss tax matters with colleagues or just distracting ourselves from our work. With increased stress and an ever-changing tax cod... Josh Youngblood, EA

A Social Media Primer for Busy Enrolled Agents
Feature Article

A Social Media Primer for Busy Enrolled Agents

Not on social media? Feel like you are too old or not techy enough? Have an established practice and do not think it is necessary to engage with your community or outside your immediate circle? Even experienced enrolled agen... Amber Gray-Fenner, EA

Winning at the Tax Planning Game
Expert Notes

Winning at the Tax Planning Game

Tax planning is like playing a game with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)—they hand us a rule book, we have to follow their rules, and if your client overpays in taxes, you lose. If you can play by the rules and find savings for your clients... Duke Alexander Moore, EA

Navigating Tax Groups on Social Media: When Did Tax Become a Contact Sport?
Expert Notes

Navigating Tax Groups on Social Media: When Did Tax Become a Contact Sport?

It has been a rough year and I have seen it all. People who feel beaten up for asking questions and people doing the beating up. People arguing when they do not get the answer they want to hear from other people who are recognized experts on that particular topic. People argui... Amber Gray-Fenner, EA, USTCP